31 Mart 2010 Çarşamba


We’ve been having quite the discussion about manipulation on the blog lately. For what it’s worth everyone can believe what they want to believe. What I do know is that no amount of manipulation can stop a secular trend. I think Greenspan and Bernanke have proven that fact explicitly. Between the two of them they have printed literally trillions and trillions of dollars in a vain attempt to halt the bear market. It hasn’t worked and it’s not going to work. All its done is make our problems much worse than they had to be. Ultimately the secular bear market will not end until stocks become cheap. The longer we fight that process the worse it’s going to be in the end.

But back to the manipulation theme. Just as an example back in the spring of last year the Fed openly stated their intent to artificially hold interest rates down. They were determined to print as much money as needed to support the bond market and consequently drive rates down (interest rates move inversely to bond price). Let me show you what they accomplished.

What they accomplished was to put in a final top in the almost 30 year bull market in bonds.

Let me show you another one. In Sept of 08 the SEC in its infinite wisdom decided to ban short selling in financial stocks. The end result? Financials dropped much farther than they would have naturally.

Folks let me tell you right here and now whenever you see or hear about the government managing any financial asset run, don’t walk, to take the opposite side of that trade.

Now the big stink is that gold is being manipulated. For our sake I hope so. It will mean that gold will go up much much further than it would all on its own.

If one is interested in the topic they kind find innumerable articles, interviews, papers and speculation purported to “prove” the fact at the GATA website. A website basically dedicated to exposing said manipulation. I guess it’s no surprise they have a mountain of “evidence”.

But let me just throw out one warning. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. As long as one can lay the blame for any mistakes on some mysterious manipulators they never have to take responsibility for any bad calls. Hey it’s not our fault gold didn’t go to $1300 like we said the government is suppressing gold.

Fact is any manipulation to depress price below the natural level of the market will only increase demand. Let's face it no one controls demand. Any attempt to force price lower than where it should fall normally will just bring in more demand from China, India, Europe, investors, etc.

If the governement is actually trying to control the price of gold it just means gold will go much higher than it would normally . We can only hope there is manipulation going on as it probably means gold will go to $10,000 instead of $5000.

War on American Business

After the Easter recess, ultra-liberal Los Angeles congressman Henry Waxman will attempt to slam American companies that are trying to obey SEC disclosure laws by properly accounting for the repeal of an important prescription-drug tax credit. What’s new in this bad story? It’s the announcement of Waxman’s Star Chamber hearing that will subpoena internal documents from leading American companies like AT&T, Verizon, Caterpillar, Deere, 3M, and Valero.

According to post-Enron accounting rules, thousands of American companies are required by law to immediately declare these non-cash charges. The American Benefits Council estimates up to $14 billion in corporate profits could be lost. So in other words, Waxman is in effect declaring war on bookkeeping.

The real trouble here is that by removing the tax benefit, these very same companies may reduce or even eliminate retiree drug benefits, and then thrust them on We the Hapless Taxpayer through a big cost-shift to Medicare. Instead of blaming business, Mr. Waxman should blame himself and Obamacare.

Quote of the Day

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark."
— Michelangelo: Italian artist and sculptor

30 Mart 2010 Salı

Gone Fishin'

I am out of the office this week, so my blogging will be sporadic at best.

Have a good week--

On Tonight's Kudlow Report

This evening at 7pm ET:


- Richard Socarides, Brady Klein Weissman LLP Democratic Strategist, Attorney; Fmr. Senior Advisor to Bill Clinton
- Don Luskin, CNBC Contributor; Trend Macro Chief Investment Officer


- Andrew Biggs, AEI Resident Scholar; Fmr. Social Security Admin. principal deputy commisioner
- Robert Reich, Fmr. Labor Secretary; Author, "Supercapitalism"; CNBC Contributor; Univ. of CA., Berkeley, Prof. of Public Policy


- Dana Telsey, Telsey Advisory Group Chief Research Officer; Retail Analyst
- Derek Thompson, The Atlantic staff editor

- Carl Quintanilla, Cancun, Mexico


- Kevin Kerr, Kerr Trading International President & Chief Trading Officer
- Addison Armstrong, Tradition Energy Dir. of Market Research; CNBC Contributor

- Jon Fortt, Senior Writer Fortune Magazine

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC.

Tax Hike Assault

We are facing an across-the-board tax-hike assault from federal, state, and local sources. This, despite a precarious outlook of a return to long-term economic prosperity after an especially deep and painful recession.

Of course, tax hikes drain cash from the private-sector economy. In supply-side terms, they undermine incentives to work, invest, and take risks by reducing the after-tax take-home reward.

After-tax incentives could drop 15 percent or more over the next few years, lifting the top tax rates on ordinary income to 45 percent from 35 percent, and to 25 percent from 15 percent on capital gains. Why in the world would we want to tax those who are most likely to invest, save, and take risks in an economy that desperately needs all three?

And let’s be very clear regarding class-warfare attacks on so-called rich people: A tax on investment is a tax on jobs, wages, and productivity. Without investment and risk-taking, the capitalist machine cannot and will not function efficiently. As Jack Kemp used to say, “You can’t have capitalism without capital. You can’t love the employee and hate the employer.”

Worse, these taxes are designed to finance an ever-growing government-spending share of the economy -- even though government spending is itself the greatest tax of all on private enterprise, as Milton Friedman taught us years ago.

Regrettably, states across the country are looking to tax almost anything that moves. Governors say they have to. (No, they don’t.) It’s a matter of priorities, political will, and economic vision. Do we want to let people keep more of what they earn and invest? Or do we want to grow government to record levels? That’s really the question.

As you know, I believe those economies that grow the most are the ones that spend and tax the least. History bears this out. This is why I fear that the United States is now going in the wrong direction. But political help may be on the way: A spate of Republican businessmen and women are running for high office. That could bring about a very positive turn of events. There’s also the tax-and-spending revolt -- including the tea-party revolt -- which could have a huge impact on the 2010 and 2012elections.

An Interview with Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

With all these governors raising sales taxes on pole-dancing and everything else in sight, here's a guy with the political will and leadership to cut spending on education, health and union pensions without raising taxes in order to close a $4 billion deficit. Hats off.

29 Mart 2010 Pazartesi


Amazingly enough...or maybe it's not so amazing, every time gold corrects we see the conspiracy theories flying thick and heavy. I've asked this question I don't know how many times and I have yet to receive a logical answer. Now that I think about it I don't believe I've ever received any answer.

If gold is being manipulated by the powers that be how in the world did it manage to rise from $250 to over $1200? I have to say if someone is manipulating the price of gold they are doing a damn poor job of it.

I have to ask when gold was rallying hard last November where was the manipulation then? I didn't hear a peep from the conspiracy crowd all month.

When gold was rocketing higher in late 07 and early 08 where were the conspiracy buffs? Was there a conspiracy to raise the price of gold at that time?

How about the monster rally in 05 and 06? How could this possibly happen if gold is being suppressed?

Folks here's the truth, virtually anything can be tampered with in the short term. It happens all the time. But no one and I mean no one can halt a secular bull or bear market. Case in point, Greenspan and Bernanke have printed literally trillions upon trillions of dollars in the vain attempt to halt the secular bear market and it has backfired every time. Just like it's going to backfire this time too.

Let me show you three charts.

There's nothing mysterious about the gold market. It's simple, when the dollar is in its secular bear trend gold is in its secular bull trend. When the dollar is in a counter trend rally gold corrects or consolidates. It really is that simple.

When gold gets extremely stretched above the mean it regresses, just like every other market in the world. Actually regression to the mean is the one principle in the stock market, or any market, that you can bet the farm on.

When gold enters the final phase of a C-wave advance emotional traders spike the price irrationally far above the 200 DMA. Smart money when they see that happen start selling. There's nothing evil about that. As a matter of fact it's just good commonsense.

So unless you think some mysterious force is also controlling the currency markets and the law of regression to the mean all in an effort to manage the price of the pitifully small precious metals market I'm going to suggest one get on with the business of making money and forget about this manipulation nonsense.

High Interest Rates, Not Deficits, Cause Inflation

Treasury rates jumped last week as the 10-year bond moved up to around 3.85 percent, about 20 basis points or so in the last week or two. Former Fed head Alan Greenspan calls this the “canary in the coal mine,” and he blames budget deficits and the huge overhang of the federal debt. Ask almost anybody in the money business, including the bulk of the investor class, and they will tell you that budget deficits drive up interest rates. I’m here to tell you that is wrong. It may seem reasonable, but it’s still wrong.

This “deficit causes high rates” theory embraced by Alan Greenspan, and by David Stockman during the Reagan years, and by Robert Rubin during the Clinton years, has no statistical basis in fact. Actually, one could make the case that higher deficits are consistent with declining interest rates, since the worst deficit numbers typically occur when the economy is in recession and there is no private credit demand. During economic recoveries, deficits shrink as tax revenues come pouring in. But interest rates rise during expansions as real investment returns improve.

The real cause of high interest rates? Inflation.

If prices are rising, investors demand higher interest rates as inflation premiums to compensate for their money-value loss. Basically, long-term interest rates fell from 1980 all the way through 2009 — 30 years as the inflation rate dropped from 14 percent to roughly zero. That’s three decades of deficits going up and down and up and down. Rates continued to fall.

Let me add that a stable King Dollar holds down inflation. That is a much more powerful tool for interest rates than business-cycle swings in the budget deficits.

Oh, by the way, deficit/interest-rate mongers fall into a tax-hike trap. The real issue for holding back deficits over the long run is to curb excessive federal spending and to keep marginal tax rates low enough to spur incentives for economic-growth-producing tax revenues. In other words, the Laffer curve.

Lower tax rates mean a stronger economy. A stronger economy means more tax revenues. More tax revenues mean lower deficits. And keep King Dollar intact to hold back the inflationary tide.

Of course, the real problem here is federal spending, not taxes.

28 Mart 2010 Pazar


I’m going to start off with a few breadth charts.

The NYSE new highs – new lows chart is now on a sell signal as both the slow and fast average have rolled over and are accelerating downward.

Everything continues to point to an impending correction. The change in character the last two days is also suggestive that something is different. Instead of opening lower and rising through the day, the market has been gapping up but closing lower. This is a complete about face from what has been happening over the last two months.

I will be monitoring sentiment as the market moves down into the correction. If investors get scared and panic quickly then this should be a short correction. If we were to get a sharp selloff this is what I would expect to happen. I’m talking 50+ S&P 500 points in 3 or 4 days.

If, however, investors have gotten locked into a buy the dip mentality it could slow the rate of decline and we might be looking at something lasting closer to 10 or more days.

I will say that what usually happens after one of these extreme momentum moves is that everyone heads for the door at the same time. The correction tends to be scary but over quickly as everyone panics all at once.

That’s what happened in February 2007 during the mini crash following the runaway move. The market gave back four months of gains in 8 days.

Now I don’t think we are going to give back 4 months of gains (this is only a daily cycle low not an intermediate cycle low), but I do think we could quickly fill the March 5th gap, which would be a 60 point loss. If that happened in 5 or 6 days it should be enough to swing the bullish sentiment all the way back to the extreme negative side of the boat. The market desperately needs to reset sentiment by going through another mini profit taking period and the sharper the correction, the better.

I’ve warned many times that the intermediate correction separating the second and third leg of the bull was only going to be a profit taking correction that would soon be recovered.

However, and as expected, while we were going through the last correction I had multiple traders inform me that this was the onset of another deflationary collapse.

Heck, I’m still seeing articles on the internet predicting another deflationary collapse any day now.

Often these predictions of disaster are associated with some imaginary trend line dating back to the 1970’s or 1980’s. I’ve even seen one site that based their predictions of an impending bear market on a trend line originating in the 30’s.

I have to ask, how many people from the 1930’s are still trading stocks and are there enough of them to really effect the markets? I have no earthly idea why a trend line starting back in the depression should have any significance at all to today’s market. Geez, some of the crazy stuff one sees in this business. It’s enough to make you wonder if common sense is dead.

I must say after watching both the tech and real estate bubbles expand and listening to the irrational reasons analysts gave at the time for why they weren’t bubbles, I have to think common sense is becoming a rare commodity in this day and age.

I’m going to let you in on a secret. Bull markets don’t end because of lines on a chart or Fibonacci retracements or anything technical related for that matter. Bull markets end when a fundamental shift occurs. They end when something breaks. In a secular bear market like we have been in since 2000 that fundamental shift almost invariably leads to a severe bear leg down in stocks and the onset of a recession…or worse.

We saw the first leg of the secular bear begin in 2000 as the world realized tech stocks were ridiculously overpriced, along with Greenspan’s monetary policies spiking the price of oil. The end result was a severe bear market and a recession.

We saw this again more recently as the credit and real estate bubbles burst. This was then exacerbated by Bernanke’s insane monetary response which, of course, did nothing to stop either one of those bubbles from bursting.

All Bernanke’s monetary response did was spike the price of oil to $150 and made sure we would have a very severe recession.

This is still a cyclical bull though and until we have a catalyst in place to kill it there is one game plan that should be followed. That game plan is one that everyone who has the slightest experience in the market should already know. In bull markets you BUY DIPs. And you continue buying dips until you see a fundamental change occur that is going to send us down into the next recession.

So once we enter the correction (it may have started with last Thursday’s key reversal) we want to be buyers of that dip. (I’m going to outline a game plan in a minute).

First off, let me state again that I seriously doubt the next leg down in the secular bear is going to come from a deflationary front.

We’ve already gone down that road. Bernanke proved he can defeat deflation with his printing press. Heck, he proved he could abort a left translated four year cycle with the power of the printing press.

I’m constantly getting into debates with traders pushing the deflation scenario. The fact remains that we had the worst deflationary period in 80 years and Bernanke halted it in 9 months.

Bernanke halted deflation the same way Roosevelt halted deflation in the 30’s by debasing the currency. I can assure you that if the slightest hint of deflation reappears, Ben will crank up the presses again. So I just don’t see deflation as the catalyst for the end of this cyclical bull.

The catalyst for the death of any bull market almost always comes from the area that is experiencing excesses.

In 2000 the catalyst emerged when the tech sector cracked. Everyone had become convinced these companies were eventually going to make unimaginable amounts of money, while amazingly enough overlooking the fact that most of them were making no money and never really had any reasonable shot at ever making any money. They were just burning through capital and at an incredible rate. Once the world woke up and realized the emperor had no clothes, down we went.

This collapse was exacerbated by Greenspan’s printing efforts to ward of the imagined 2000 contagion and had the unintended consequence of spiking the price of oil.

The latest catalyst as I mentioned above came when the overheated real estate and credit markets imploded.

So we have to ask ourselves, where is the excess this time? It certainly isn’t tech. The companies that are left are making money. It’s not the real estate markets. That bubble has already popped. And I don’t believe it is going to pop again. I doubt it’s going to come from the credit markets again, as people and banks are deleveraging now, and for years to come. Besides central banks have already figured out they can fix those problems by changing the accounting laws and by pumping liquidity.

So where is the dam going to spring a leak from this time? What is the area that is experiencing massive excesses that will eventually come back to haunt us?

I would say there are two. One of them is government debt. But I’m not sure that will cause problems though because governments control the printing presses. No matter how much debt they rack up they can always print enough additional money to pay it.

That leads us to the heart of where I think the next catalyst is going to emerge. The one area of incredible excess is the currency markets.

Let’s face it, every country in the world has been running the presses on overdrive since early 2008. This has created an ocean of liquidity covering the globe like no other time in history. It halted the deflationary spiral we were in last year. And it is certainly giving the illusion that good times are returning (heavy emphasis on illusion). But just like the credit bubble felt real nice while it was growing, there are going to be consequences for this excessive liquidity. The piper will eventually have to be paid.

I expect it will start when a small or maybe even a medium sized country's currency gets into trouble. Then, just as subprime infected the rest of the mortgage market, it will spread into other currencies. I strongly suspect the bull market will end when something breaks in the currency markets.

So until we see that happen investors should continue to buy dips and ignore all the Chicken Little’s predicting the sky is falling because we are approaching a trend line from 1932 or because this is the third of a third wave or whatever hokey nonsense they imagine will start the next bear phase.

As I have said, bear markets begin when the fundamentals break down, not when the technicals do.

More in the weekend report...

26 Mart 2010 Cuma

Another Bailout?

So the Obama administration is announcing a big new housing bailout later today. There are a number of details we don’t know yet. A lot remains unclear. Apparently, the White House is going to “encourage” banks to write down the value of loans held by borrowers in modification programs. So while it appears banks will have an opt-out, it’s all very unclear. Incidentally, this homeowner bailout also raises the serious issue of moral hazard.

At first glance, it looks like we’re witnessing more government interference in the private-sector economy, more mandates, and more government economic controls. The government shouldn’t be telling lenders what they must do.

Of course, if private banks like Bank of America want to reduce mortgage-loan balances, fine. So be it. That’s their business decision. But government should not interfere with private contracts between borrowers and lenders. This is a fundamental rule of law, and it lies at the very heart of free-market capitalism. Break that rule and you break the whole system. It’s all wrong.

Now, if the banks do have an opt-out, and if they don’t have to play along, I say fine once again. But my fear is that Uncle Sam, by using various carrots and sticks, will force banks into positions they do not want to be in.

All this suggests why my friend Dan Henninger had it totally right in his Wall Street Journal column this week, “Repeal the Democrats.” The Democrats are the party of big government. They have completely deserted Bill Clinton’s moderate legacy. Meanwhile, Republicans have clearly become the party of the private sector. If they stick to their guns, the GOP is on the right track.

As for the new housing bailout, all Republicans should oppose it, just as they correctly opposed Obamacare and the massive tax-and-spend “stimulus” package.

Speaking of Obamacare, what about the fallout from taxing Caterpillar and 3,500 other American corporations? How about a medicine-cabinet tax on your Tylenol gel caps, and everything else you purchase over-the-counter? This is all nuts.

Believe me, just as it was with the stimulus package, the more we learn about Obamacare, the worse it’s going to get. This is why I say it’s time for Republicans to stand up on their hind legs and shout down their opposition. Washington is producing products that the rest of the country simply doesn’t want to buy.

We will soon see how all of this turns out. There may be a game-changing political revolt in the cards come November. Now that would be wonderful news.

Quote of the Day

A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.
-- Caskie Stinnett

Flop And Chop

The market appeared as if it was putting in a negative reversal yesterday, opening higher and then closing lower, but this morning it is again getting a nice bounce.

Overnight, People's Bank of China said rate hikes could be months away. This helped boost Asian markets. In Greece, the country received a deal on its sovereign debt crisis, which is backed by the IMF and eurozone and funds can be tapped if the country is unable to raise funds on its own.

This news boosted the euro at the expense of the dollar. But commodities prices aren't down that much, with oil trading near $80.40 and gold hovering around $1092.

In economic news, Q4 GDP was revised slightly lower vs. earlier projections, coming in at +5.6% vs. 5.9% previously. Also, the House is expected to announce an expansion of its foreclosure -prevention efforts. Under this plan, FHA will allow some borrowers who are underwater to refinance into govt.-backed loans.

The 10-year yield is lower to 3.86%; and the VIX is down -3.9% to 17.68 after yesterday's spike above its downtrending 50-day average.

Among sector ETFs, materails are leading the way (+1.35%) followed by financials (+1.19%). Healthcare is lagging (-0.34%). In the subsectors, homebuilders are strong (+1.67%) as are steel stocks (+1.87%) and emerging market etfs.

Trading comment: The chart below shows an interesting phenomenon. I have said that the market doesn't always have to pullback to relieve an overbought condition. Lately, the Nasdaq has been climbing higher, albeit it in a choppy fashion. This chopping and flopping around has given the oscillator time to pull back from its overbought levels, and this puts the market in better shape to rally going forward.

There are obviously more indicators and factors to take into account than this, but this is one of the things I watch so I wanted to point it out. The other is the put/call ratios, which have not been showing too much complacency lately. So the above items, coupled with the fact that we are approaching quarter-end, keep me bullish at this juncture.

25 Mart 2010 Perşembe

King Dollar

The biggest story out there right now has got to be the re-emergence of King Dollar. This could be a major game changer for both Wall Street and Washington. All the dollar bears from the beginning of this year, and all the gold bulls, have been completely and utterly wrong.

Now, why is this? Is it Fed head Ben Bernanke’s monetary restraint? Nope. Is it Tim Geithner’s spirited dollar defense? Nope. It’s Greece, Portugal, Italy, and the sinking euro, which has dropped 12 percent from early December. And there’s no end in sight.

Unsurprisingly, the broad dollar DXY index is up 10 percent, reversing a 17-percent drop from March to November of last year. Gold, meanwhile, is off 12 percent.

Now you know me: I love King Dollar. You can’t have a growing, healthy, free-market, supply-side, capitalist economy without a reliable currency. I learned that from Ronald Reagan. But this King Dollar story is getting a little weird. After all, the Fed is still pumping out money like there’s no tomorrow. Its balance sheet is still growing. Meanwhile, tax rates are going up, not down.

But here’s the key point: the euro is going down -- more. And this could wind up being a big game-changer for investors.

By the way, Ben Bernanke is being bailed out by this cheap euro, the same euro that can’t seem to bailout its weakest European sisters. It’s a very strange story. As I’ve said before, Mr. Bernanke ought to go to the Greek Parthenon and genuflect over the weak euro bailing out his super-easy money policy.

A high dollar can suppress nascent inflation pressures. And if you take a look at February, you’ll see that price indexes came down. (They had been rising for several months.) So without inflation worries, a high dollar gives Mr. Bernanke a lot of zero-interest-rate running room for as far as the eye can see.

The question is whether a high dollar is in fact good for stocks and economic growth, because oftentimes a rising currency can be deflationary. A lot of people on Wall Street are shying away from the so-called “risk trade,” meaning stocks, in favor of the dollar trade.

Speaking of deflation, is the Chinese renminbi going to be revalued in order to choke off inflationary pressures in China? If you think all this currency talk is confusing, join the crowd.

To sum up, as a good free-market supply-sider, I want a reliable King Dollar and low marginal tax rates to spur economic-growth incentives here at home. Now, I may get the former, but I am probably dreaming on the latter.

But then again, despite Obamacare’s tax-and-spend big-government policies (which remind me of the Eurozone), we could get free-market banking reform if Sen. Chris Dodd stays with me and ends too-big-to-fail. Could we be looking at the Dodd Dollar? Think of that one.

On Tonight's Kudlow Report

This evening at 7pm ET:

CNBC senior economics reporter Steve Liesman reports.


- Adam Boyton, Deutsche Bank Sr. Currency Strategist; Fmr. Australian Treasury Official
- Peter Navarro, "The Coming China Wars" Author; University Of California - Irvine Business Professor


- Chip Hanlon, President Delta Global Advisors
- Dan Fitzpatrick, StockMarketMentor.com, President & CEO; Senior Contributor, RealMoney.com


CNBC’s Diana Olick will report on the Home Affordable Modification Program


- James Pethokoukis, Reuters Money & Politics Columnist


- Steve Moore, Senior Economics Writer for the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board; "Return to Prosperity" co-author
- Teresa Ghilarducci, director of economic policy analysis at the New School for Social Research, is the author of “When I’m 64: The Plot Against Pensions and the Plan to Save Them.”

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC.

24 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

On Tonight's Kudlow Report

This evening at 7pm ET:

CNBC’s Hampton Pearson reports the latest from Washington.



- Arthur Laffer, Laffer Investments CIO; Fmr. Reagan Economic Advisor
- Don Luskin, CNBC Contributor; Trend Macro Chief Investment Officer
- David Kelly, Chief Market Strategist JPMorgan Funds

CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood reports.

- Robert Albertson, Sandler O'Neill, Principal & Chief Strategist


- Robert Reich, Fmr. Labor Secretary; Author, "Supercapitalism"; CNBC Contributor; Univ. of CA., Berkeley, Prof. of Public Policy
- Dick Armey, Former House Majority Leader; Chairman of FreedomWorks.org


- Thomas Curran, Peckar & Abramson Partner
- George Strickland, Co-Portfolio Mgr, Thornburg Municipal Bond Funds

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC.

Market Musings

We had a nice triple-digit Dow rally yesterday for the best finish in 17 months as the index closes in on 11,000. So, despite all the left-wing politics pouring out of Washington, the stock market reality remains. Why? As I’ve said dozens of times in recent months, we’ve got a strong cyclical rebound in corporate profits riding on a wave of ultra-easy money from our nation’s friendly central bank.

Profits are the mother’s milk of stocks. Right now it’s a global beverage.

So while housing remains an issue -- with the latest batch of home-sales reports showing no imminent end in sight -- we do have positive signals like this morning’s durable-goods report, which is now up three months in a row. Also, the index of U.S. leading indicators has increased the past 11 months -- the longest stretch since 2003-04.

Meanwhile, Stefan Abrams, my old friend and investor, reminds me that railroad- and freight-company indicators are showing a pick-up of inventory-rebuilding to create more production and real output. I think he’s right.

On another note, as a very special gift to Fed head Ben Bernanke, the euro continues its slump in the wake of the Greek debt problem that still hasn’t been solved. That means a strong U.S. dollar, despite all the Fed’s ultra-easy money. I think Mr. Bernanke ought to visit the Parthenon, the symbol of ancient Greece, and genuflect in thanksgiving for the modern-day Greek crackup that has helped support King Dollar in spite of his ultra-easy money.

This is called having your souvlaki and eating it too.

Speaking of central bankers, San Francisco Fed president Janet Yellen didn’t disappoint yesterday with a dovish statement that boosted stocks in late-day trading.

So I bring good tidings to equity investors, despite the fact that I can’t for the life of me find a single free-market policy in our nation’s capital. Not one single policy. But sometimes the business cycle, and of course the Fed, can trump Washington.

Dollar Surges On Portugal Debt Re-Rating

The markets are lower this morning on the heels of some mixed economic data, as well as news out of Portugal that Fitch has lowered its sovereign debt rating from AA to AA-.

The debt re-rating has caused the euro to selloff and the dollar to surge to a 10-month high. The strength in the dollar is weighing on commodities, with oil down near $80.50 and gold dipping below $1100.

In economic news, new home sales for February fell -2.2%, weaker than expected. Durable goods orders were up +0.5% (vs. +0.6% consensus), and ex-transportation orders rose a better than expected +0.9%.

In Asia, markets were mixed overnight, with Japan and China eking out small gains. The 10-year yield is sharply higher to 3.76%, and the VIX is spiking +9.25% to 17.87.

Among the sector ETFs, they are all lower this morning, with financials (-0.06%) down the least. Real estate (IYR) is bucking the weakness so far (+0.14%), while gold miners (GDX) are down the most (-3.25%).

Trading comment: The market continues to act well. I would not be surprised to see a small 1-2 day pullback, but I still think many investors remain underinvested (or short), and that money wil continue to be put to work on any pullbacks into quarter-end.

We are also getting into that window where we will start to hear about upcoming earnings for Q1, and I think that earnings reports for the most part should be strong, and that analyst revisions will continue push estimates higher (which should help stock prices).

23 Mart 2010 Salı

Quote of the Day

"And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
— Abraham Lincoln: 16th president of the United States

Stocks Flat After Yesterday's Strong Rebound

The market is roughly flat on no real news announcements. Google (GOOG) is lower after shifting its search engine off mainland China, but this has been expected for awhile.

Existing home sales last month came in about as expected, falling -0.6% vs. last year. The other commentary on the economy came from St. Louis Fed Pres James Bullard, who said that labor data should look better in March, and that the economic recovery is on track as household spending improves and business investment continues to pick up.

The dollar is stronger so far, but this is barely weighing on commodities. Oil is flat near $81.50, while gold is trading higher to $1105.

Asian markets were mixed overnight; the 10-year yield is down to 3.65%; and the VIX is a tad higher to 16.91, after a big reversal lower yesterday.

Trading comment: Yesterday's strength was surprising, and again indicative to me that there is money looking to be put to work. The market was weak after the open yesterday, and it looked like a pullback was in the cards. But buyers quickly stepped in, and the market rallied to close with solid gains. Although we could again get a 1-2 day whack at any time, I continue to feel that this could be the pattern into quarter-end, as portfolio managers don't want to look too underinvested.

long GOOG

22 Mart 2010 Pazartesi


This rally is now deep enough into the daily cycle that it has become dangerous to chase it any longer. Sentiment has reached bullish extremes, some of which rival the `07 top. Again not the kind of conditions that would warrant pressing the long side any longer.

As much as I would like to see a continuation of the C-wave the odds are starting to pile up against it. It appears that gold is now in the process of putting in a left translated daily cycle. Today's move under the March 12th low is likely suggesting this cycle has already failed.

The bad news is this is starting to look more and more like a D-wave. The good news is that it will probably bottom in the next couple of weeks along with stocks when the market moves down into the next daily cycle low.

We should then begin the next A-wave advance. Those are usually fairly powerful. Often testing the highs in fairly short order.

If miners can hold above their February lows as gold breaks to new lows it would be a very bullish sign that the A-wave was ready to begin.

For the time being the safest position is in cash as we wait for the stock market to correct.

Monday Morning Musings

The market is shrugging off some potentially negative headlines so far today, including the passage of the healthcare bill, monetary tightening in India, and renewed concerns over Greece.

Healthcare stocks are higher after the House of Representatives approved a Senate bill overhauling the U.S. health-care system, handing President Barack Obama a key victory. House lawmakers voted 219-212 to approve the reform bill, a wide-ranging measure aimed at extending insurance coverage to about 32 million Americans. The legislation costs $940 billion over 10 years. Congressional analysts estimate it will cut the deficit by $138 billion during that period. No House Republicans voted for the Senate bill, which now goes to Obama for signature. 34 Democrats also voted against it.

Asian markets were lower overnight after the Reserve Bank of India raised interest rates for the first time in nearly two years. Policy makers said containing inflation has become "imperative". Also, European bourses were lower after German Chancellor Merkel's remarks that Greece doesn't need financial support.

The dollar is higher on the euro's weakness, which is weighing on commodities. Oil and gold are both more than -1% lower, trading near $79.50 and $1095, respectively.

In corporate news, the Financial Times is reporting that Google (GOOG) could reveal as early as today its closure of its Chinese search business.

The 10-year yield is lower to 3.66%; and the VIX is 1.6% higher to 17.23.

Trading comment: The market has continued to work off its recent overbought condition by mostly trading in a sideways consolidation fashion. This is a bullish resolution to being overbought, as opposed to experiencing a sharp pullback. I would like to see further consolidation this week which could set us up for another push higher into quarter end.

Leading growth stocks also continue to hold up well, despite having become somewhat extended on the charts after their recent runs higher. I would point to the action in these stocks as being a better leading indicator of what the overall market is likely to do, so in that sense I remain constructive.

long GOOG

19 Mart 2010 Cuma

Kudlow & Cramer Reunion: Will Obama-Care Topple Stocks?

My old pal Jim Cramer and I reunited last night to discuss the impact Obama-Care will have on the stock market and economy if it passes.

According to my former co-host: “First, it is the single biggest impediment to the stock market going higher. And a lot of this has to do with what's not being talked about enough with how it's going to be paid for and also about what it will do to small business formation. This bill is a disaster for both.”

I can't say I disagree...


Today will be the 28th day of the rally out of the February 5th bottom. We are now in the trading band for the daily cycle in stocks to bottom. (The cycle rarely lasts much longer than 35-40 days.) So like I said in my last post we are due for a short breather any time now.

The consensus seems to be that the market will hang in till the end of the month. It may, but I tend to think we've probably seen about all the upside we are going to see at this point.

The leading tech sector is pushing up against a major resistance level. I doubt this level is going to be penetrated on the first try.

It's time for RSI to make a trip back down to the oversold levels. (Daily cycle bottoms almost always push the 5 day RSI into oversold levels.)

Starting sometime next week the market should begin a minor profit taking correction to ease overbought technical and sentiment levels.

I expect this will rub off on the precious metals sector as well (it almost always does).

That should result in a 1-2-3 reversal process in the miners and gold.

The expectation is for both gold and miners to hold above the February lows and then move to higher highs as the market rallies out of the cycle bottom.

I wouldn't be surprised if markets bottom on the next employment report on Apr. 2nd. That would allow the market to ease the overbought conditions and set it up for a powerful rally through earnings season.

So I guess it's possible the market hangs on till the end of the month but I doubt it. I suspect we are going to start to see weakness next week.

18 Mart 2010 Perşembe

On Tonight's Kudlow Report

This evening at 7pm ET:

CNBC's Mad Money host Jim Cramer will be aboard.

Plus analysis of today's U.S. economic data

- Ed Yardeni, Yardeni Research President
- Jason Trennert, Strategas Research Partners; Chief Investment Strategist & Managing Partner

- Rep. Paul Ryan (R) Wisconsin; House Budget Ranking Member


-John Carney, BusinessInsider.com Managing Editor

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC.

Two Really Bad Deals

I don't know if ObamaCare is going to pass the House or not. As of this morning, the Intrade pay-to-play betting parlor is giving a 75 percent probability that it will go through. So Intrade seems to think so. But here's what I do know: ObamaCare's worst tax hike is the imposition of a new 3.9 percent Medicare payroll tax on capital gains and other investments. What will this do? It will depress the economy, depress wages and depress jobs. Washington doesn't understand that you can't create jobs without new healthy businesses.

Can there be anything dumber?

Look, raising the capital gains tax to 24 percent from 15 percent, which includes repealing the Bush tax cut, is a 60 percent tax increase. So instead of keeping 85 cents on the extra dollar invested, you will only get to keep 76 cents. That's a 10 percent drop in the after tax incentive for capital formation. Incentives matter. This is a bad deal for everyone.

If Washington keeps hiking taxes on investment and risk-taking, then we are not going to get the new entrepreneurial businesses and job creation or productivity or high risk innovation and invention that is so essential to a healthy and vibrant economy.

Here's another really bad deal: the protected and privileged class of mostly unionized government workers at all levels is bankrupting this country. They are demanding exorbitant wages and benefits. Get this: a new Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows these government workers have a 44 percent excess of their total compensation versus their private sector counterparts. And this, despite the fact that these government workers have much better job security.

I’ve talked about this before, but a recent Barron’s article highlights the states’ problems, where pensions look to be $3 trillion dollars in the hole with double dipping and spiking. This is going to create huge problems down the road in the tax-free municipal bond markets. Of course, it’s also going to be a problem for taxpayers who may wind up having to finance these ridiculously exorbitant pensions with all their double-dipping and spiking. It’s ultimately one gigantic stranglehold on the entire economy.

So to be blunt: ObamaCare's tax-and-spend and government unions spend and spend is basically thumbing their nose at taxpayers and economic growth.

17 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

On Tonight's Kudlow Report

This evening at 7pm ET:


- Robert Reich, Fmr. Labor Secretary, Author, "Supercapitalism"; CNBC Contributor; Univ. of CA., Berkeley, Prof. of Public Policy
- Steve Moore, Senior Economics Writer for the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board; "Return to Prosperity" co-author



- Don Luskin, CNBC Contributor; Trend Macro Chief Investment Officer
- Steve Forbes, Forbes Chairman and CEO; Forbes Editor-in-Chief; Fmr. Presidential Candidate; "How Capitalism Will Save Us" Co-Author
- James Altucher, Managing Director Formula Capital


- Steve Forbes, Forbes Chairman and CEO; Forbes Editor-in-Chief; Fmr. Presidential Candidate; "How Capitalism Will Save Us" Co-Author
- Peter Morici, University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business Prof; U.S. International Trade Commission Fmr. Chief Economist


- Bill Ford, Fmr. Atlanta Fed President; Middle Tennessee State University professor

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC.

VIX Falls To Lowest Level Since May 2008

The market is higher again in early trading, and I've lost count of how many up days in a row this has been. I think the SPY has been up for 14 straight days, which is quite a feat. My guess is that portfolio managers are starting to feel some performance anxiety ahead of the end of Q1 when they have to show performance. This is likely causing them to use every small dip to put money to work and avoid being left behind by a stampeding market.

There has not been a lot of newsflow in the market, but yesterday the Fed said it would keep rates exceptionally low for an extended period. This news was greeted with buying overseas, as Asian markets rose overnight, led by China. The Bank of Japan also kept rates low, and stepped up its short-term lending plan from 10 trillion Yen to 20 trillion Yen in an attempt to keep the Yen from rising.

In economic news, producer prices fell more than expected last month (-0.6%), supporting the notion that inflation pressures remain subdued.

The 10-year yield is down a bit to 3.65%; and the VIX is falling -6.1% today to a new yearly low, and its lowest level since May 2008. The chart below shows how long it has been since we saw the VIX is such low levels. It's hard to tell, but if you look at the lower half of the chart, it shows the price action of the S&P 500, and what is interesting is that May 2008 marked a high in the market that we have yet to retrace. I'm just saying.

Trading comment: I raised a little cash yesterday, and will use today's strength to take some more partial profits on things that have run. I still feel the market is too extended, the ISE call/put is flashing too much complacency, and that the market is vulnerable to at least a short-term pullback. But I remain bullish for the intermediate-term.

16 Mart 2010 Salı


It's been my contention all along that this cyclical bull would consist of at least three major legs. Now that the S&P has also broken to new highs I think we can safely say the third leg is underway.

That being said the market is due for a move down into a daily cycle low anytime. Sentiment has become extremely bullishly skewed, breadth is deterioating and we are seeing signs that institutional traders are taking chips off the table.

So I'm expecting another brief breather, probably starting next week as I think the market will probably hang in till after options expiration.

The key to the next phase of this cyclical bull is as always the dollar. I've been saying for a while now that we are getting late in the dollar's intermediate cycle. As you can see from the chart despite the powerful rally the dollar still hasn't been able to move above the last intermediate cycle high and it now appears to be failing at the downward sloping 20 week moving average.

If the dollar is about to begin the trip down into the intermediate cycle low (and I think it probably is) it's going to act as a big tailwind for virtually every asset class. Actually I expect it's going to be more like a hurricane driving everything willy nilly before it.

Once we get through the impending correction I expect most if not all assets to enter runaway moves for the next 2 or 3 months. Unfortunately that includes the energy markets. And that my friends is going to ultimately be the fly in the ointment for Bernanke's plan to print our way out of this mess.

Is Dodd Ending Too Big to Fail?

Surprise, surprise. Sen. Chris Dodd’s financial-regulation proposal raises the possibility of substantial progress on the road to ending “too big to fail” (TBTF) and bailout nation for banks and other financial institutions.

How the Dodd bill will play out in the final details remains to be seen. But when you read the Dodd fact sheet, there are a few key items to like.

First, under the Dodd scheme, large complex companies will have to submit plans for rapid and orderly shutdowns should they go under. These are called “funeral plans.” Then, in terms of these orderly shutdowns, the bill would create an “orderly liquidation mechanism for the FDIC to unwind failing systemically significant financial companies. Shareholders and unsecured creditors will bear losses and management will be removed.” Good.

Then comes the “liquidation procedure.” This spells out that the Treasury, FDIC, and Federal Reserve must all agree to put companies into the orderly liquidation process. “A panel of three bankruptcy judges must convene and agree -- within 24 hours -- that a company is insolvent,” the bill goes on to say. It also states that the largest financial firms will be assessed $50 billion for an upfront fund that will be used if needed for any liquidation. This is a kind of debtor-in-possession safety net for the bankruptcy-liquidation process. Also good.

Finally, under the heading of bankruptcy, the bill stipulates that most large financial companies are expected to be resolved through the normal bankruptcy process. This is the key. However, it is not an airtight case for bankruptcy. It is possible that a government-resolution process could keep big banks alive or in conservatorship, such as with Fannie and Freddie. That would be wrong. Very wrong. In fact, one of the flaws in the Dodd bill is that there is no mention of Fannie and Freddie.

But the strict language on bankruptcy judges and shutdowns, and the line stating that most large failed financial firms are expected to be resolved through the normal bankruptcy process, is very hopeful.

The biggest flaw in the Dodd bill is that it gives the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) far too much free reign. The agency will be housed in the Federal Reserve. But it will be independent inside the Fed, with a director appointed by the president and financed by the Fed’s own profits.

The Fed itself apparently would have no say on CFPA rule-making, which is sort of like giving Elizabeth Warren her own wing at the central bank in order to make mischief. At a minimum, she’ll need grown-up supervision. Many smaller community bankers and non-bank Main Street lenders -- such as stores with layaway plans, check-cashing companies, pay-day lenders, and even car dealers -- could be put out of business by Elizabeth Warren. (Hat tip to Capitol Confidential of Andrew Breitbart’s biggovernment.com.)

Another issue is the so-called “Volcker rule,” set forth by the White House, which would limit proprietary trading for Wall Street banks, a big source of revenue and profits. Under the rule, it looks like the Federal Reserve or other regulators would supervise any trading limits, but not necessarily eliminate proprietary trading. I think TBTF is terminated under the threat of a true bankruptcy-court liquidation. That’s enough of a disincentive for excess risk-taking to obviate the need for a Volcker rule.

Ditto for the trading of derivatives and other counter-party activities such as credit-default swaps. These are useful hedging devices, although they should be fully collateralized, with clearly valued assets and cash behind them.

Back to the Dodd plan, it also stipulates that the U.S. president appoints the New York Fed president. That’s another flaw. It politicizes the Fed big time. Right now, reserve-bank presidents are chosen and appointed by their boards of directors.

And then there’s a “proxy access” provision that would force public companies to list rival slates for election to their boards of directors. This goes way beyond “say on pay.” And it would permit a bunch of liberal-left, union-type interest groups to spread their anti-business opinions.

However, with the Dodd plan, the possibility remains that a true bankruptcy process will replace government bailouts.

This is vital, since TBTF and government bailouts are among the root causes of the banking crisis, where large financial companies have a moral hazard to take too much risk at taxpayer expense.

The devil will be in the details. And of course, Dodd’s Senate bill will have to reconcile with Barney Frank’s bill in the House. But Chris Dodd conceivably may have opened the door to ending TBTF and bailout nation.

Maybe retirement is the key to good policymaking.

Fed Announcement Should Show Little Change

The market is flattish in early trading, ahead of today's FOMC meeting. I do not expect there to be much change, if any, in the Fed's statement that will be released this afternoon. If there is any change, it is likely to just be additional color on the end of the MBS purchases scheduled for this month.

European bourses were higher after reports surfaced that officials have reached some agreements to provide financial aid to Greece, although no specific amounts were released.

Asian markets were mixed, with Japan edging lower and China bouncing +0.5%.

In economic news, import prices fell -0.3% in February, housing starts were weaker than expected (-5.9%) last month, but building permits fell less than expected (-1.6% vs. -3.4% consensus). Severe snowstorms in the Northeast may have skewed these figures, which are always lumpy to begin with.

The dollar is lower this morning, which is boosting commodity prices, as well as the energy and materials sector. Oil is higher to $80.80, while gold is also up near $1124.

The 10-year yield is lower at 3.67%; and the VIX is slightly lower to 17.90.

Among the sector ETFs, materials are strongest (+0.90%), while healthcare is weakest (+0.0%). Gold is up the most among the sub-sectors (+2.58%), while homebuilders are lagging (-0.06%).

Trading comment: The market remains a bit extended due to its streak of up days. I have raised some cash in our aggressive accounts to take advantage of any pullback. But I am not turning bearish. I expect any dip to be a pause that refreshes, and I think the recent breakout to new highs in the Nasdaq and small- and mid-cap indexes is an indicator that the markets can continue to climb in the intermediate-term.

15 Mart 2010 Pazartesi

On Tonight's Kudlow Report

This evening at 7pm ET:


NBC's Steve Handelsman reports from Washington.

- Ron Kruszewski, Stifel, Nicolaus Chairman & CEO
- Mark Calabria, Director of Financial Regulation Studies at the Cato Institute
- Frank Sorrentino, North Jersey Community Bank
- Thomas Harrison, Michigan Ladder Co. CEO

- Richard Blumenthal, CT Attorney General


CNBC's Hampton Pearson reports from Washington.


- David Goldman, Senior Editor First Things Magazine
- Peter Navarro, "The Coming China Wars" Author' Univ Of CA/Irvine Business Professor


- Bob McTeer, CNBC Contributor; Fmr. Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Pres. & CEO
- Jack Ablin, Harris Private Bank Executive VP & Chief Investment Officer

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC.

Quote of the Day

Retired Tiger hedge fund manager Julian Robertson recently said this about Obama:

"Obama, from all I read, thinks that on every occasion that he is the smartest person in the room. And I think he often probably is, but you can't run the biggest business in the world having never run even a country store."

Monday Morning Musings

The market is trading lower this morning, after the S&P 500 Index ran into resistance at the 1150 area, which is the level of its previous highs back in January.

The Nasdaq is also lower, led down by Apple (AAPL), which looks to just be profit taking, and Google (GOOG), which is down by -3.3% after news came out that the search engine giant is no longer censoring its search results in China. This could cause them to get booted from the country. That would benefit Chinese-search company Baidu (BIDU), and that stock is spiking +7.0% on the news.

Amid sector ETFs, consumer staples (XLP) are leading (+0.42%) after Pepsi (PEP) said that it will boost its dividend by 7%. Energy stocks (XLE) are taking it on the chin so far (-1.80%).

Asian markets were mostly lower overnight, led by China (-1.2%) amid continued concerns that the country's central bank will further tighten monetary policy.

The dollar is higher today, which is pushing oil prices below $80, while gold is hanging in there near the $1105 level.

The 10-year yield is higher at 3.72%, and the VIX is spiking a little, up +5.8% to 18.60.

Trading comment: The market is up a lot over the last couple of weeks. In our aggressive accounts, we are raising a little cash to take advantage of a potential pullback. But in our balanced accounts we are pretty much just sitting tight with the cash we already have, and will look to add more to our favorite names on said pullback.

I haven't finished my latest sentiment roundup, but for the most part the sentiment indicators have started to move off of their previous bearish levels, but still have room to run before they start flashing warning signs of becoming overly bullish and complacent.


14 Mart 2010 Pazar

Yellen Is Spellin' Future Inflation

The new Obama Fed is going to be very dovish when it comes to fighting future inflation and defending the value of the dollar.

The president has nominated Janet Yellen to be vice chair of the Federal Reserve. Ms. Yellen is a distinguished economist who unfortunately subscribes to the Phillips-curve model that trades off unemployment and inflation. In other words, rather than excess money creation as the cause of rising prices, she focuses on the unemployment rate, the volume of new jobs being created, and the growth of the overall economy. For Ms. Yellen, inflation is caused by too many people working and too much economic prosperity.

And since we have the opposite problem today -- high unemployment and too few people working -- she will be the last Fed governor to turn out the lights on the central bank’s zero interest rate.

There is no evidence in Ms. Yellen’s public opinions or speeches that she might use a market-price rule -- targeting commodities, gold, bond rates, or the dollar -- as a forward-looking inflation (or deflation) signal. So the absence of a commodity- or dollar-price rule will continue at the Fed. Ben Bernanke doesn’t use a market-price rule, and Obama’s additional Fed appointees -- whoever they are -- will undoubtedly come from the same Phillips-curve camp.

Supply-siders like myself who believe that only market prices can provide accurate signals of the supply and demand for money are going to be very disappointed. If the Fed supplies more cash than markets want, the inflation rate can go up whether unemployment is high or low. We learned this painfully in the 1970s, when high unemployment was accompanied by high inflation.

Even more troubling, fiscal policies coming out of Washington will reduce the investment demand for money. This is because tax rates on those individuals, families, and entrepreneurs who are most likely to save and invest are going up. Rather than extending the Bush marginal-tax-rate cuts on capital gains and other forms of investment, Washington will let that tax relief expire at the end of this year.

On top of this, Obamacare proposes to apply the 2.9 percent Medicare payroll tax on ordinary labor income to capital gains, dividends, interest, and profits from passive investments in partnerships and S-corporation small businesses.

Saving and investment are already double-taxed several times over. This includes the inheritance tax, which is slated to rise substantially next year. But taxing successful investors and earners is the exact wrong policy.

Alan D. Viard of the American Enterprise Institute writes that 2007 tax returns from households with incomes greater than $200,000 reported 47 percent of all interest income, 60 percent of all dividends, and a “staggering” 84 percent of all net capital gains. These folks are the economic activists, the ones most likely to reemploy their investment gains into new job-creating businesses. But these new tax penalties will blunt their investment activities, thereby reducing the demand for money. Of course, the whole economy will suffer as a result.

Even with the same volume of money in circulation, new tax penalties from Washington will lower money demand for investment purposes, making each new dollar printed by the Fed that much more inflationary. So the great risk is that rising tax rates will make the Fed’s bloated balance sheet even more inflation prone over the next few years. As many have noted, inflation itself is the cruelest tax of all.

The original supply-side model crafted by Robert Mundell and Art Laffer argued that low tax rates and a tight-money-linked sound dollar was the best path to maximizing economic growth. This model prevailed through the highly prosperous 1980s and 1990s. Launched by Ronald Reagan, it basically continued, with a few bumps here and there, through Bush 41 and Bill Clinton. But the dollar side of the model was badly broken during the 2000s, and at the moment, it looks like it may stay broken.

This is a crucial juncture. The Fed is going to encounter excruciatingly difficult problems as it deals with the magnitude and timing of its decisions to start withdrawing excess cash and raising the fed funds target rate. Markets should be the guideposts for these decisions, not the unemployment rate.

Janet Yellen, who served as a top economic advisor to President Clinton and was a Clinton appointee to the Federal Reserve Board, has for the past six years been the president of the San Francisco Fed. She is a very able economist. But if you work from the wrong money model, you are likely to get the wrong money results.

12 Mart 2010 Cuma

My Interviews with Mitch McConnell & Bob Corker

Here are my two recent Kudlow Report interviews on financial regulation and other pressing political subjects with Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

11 Mart 2010 Perşembe

On Tonight's Kudlow Report

This evening at 7pm ET:


On board:

- Peter Navarro, "The Coming China Wars" Author; UC/Irvine Business Professor
- David Goldman, Senior Editor First Things Magazine

CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood reports from Washington.

Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, will be aboard to discuss financial regulation as well as the growing controversy surrounding high government pay.

NBC's Steve Handelsman reports from Washington.

- Sallie James, CATO Trade Policy Analyst


CNBC's Jane Wells reports from Los Angeles.

The Wall Street Journal's Steve Moore will weigh in with his perspective.

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC.