20 Ekim 2006 Cuma

Friday Link Dump

It's been a busy week at Unknown University and the Unknown Household. In part, the homestead madness is due to Unknown Wife agreeing to host a "fall birthday party." Both the Unknown Kids, the Unknown Younger Brother, and The Unknown Niece have birthdays within a month or two (the guests of honor will be 8,6,46, and 18 respectively).

So, we have about 17 people (in addition to the Unknown Family) descending on our house tomorrow for a shindig, including both my brothers, the Unknown Wife's two sisters, and all three living Unknown Grandparents. It's good living near family, but it can be hectic.

Having said all that, here are the links that have been building up in my RSS reader over the last couple of days:
As usual, there's a number of stories on the option backdating front: Jack Ciesielski at AAO weblog updates the backdating body count, while the CFO.com highlights some research by The Corporate Library which shows that backdating may have spread in part because of directors who sit on multiple boards.

The New Economist discusses Nobel Prize Winner William Sharpe's new Investment book, with links to a few chapters of the book. It's a bit technical, but worth the effort.

Richard Kang at Seeking Alpha notes the The market for Fundamental Index is getting a bit more crowded.

Marshall Loeb at Marketwatch.com tells us where college graduates' starting salaries stand. The good news is that they're up- a brand new accounting grad averages over $46,000 per year, with a finance degree coming slightly lower at $43,000.

Joe Carter at Evangelical Outpost has the latest installment of his Yak Shaving Razor Series - chock full of techie goodness.

Dan Melson at Searchlight Crusade discusses the risk of not taking on risk in your investment portfolio.

Finally, for all you accountants out there, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (The U.S. accounting-firm overseer ) has issued long-awaited guidance for auditing the value of employee stock options. It's important, since companies have a lot of discretion in estimating the expense associated with options grants.
It's the weekend, so time to kick back a bit - the Unknown Wife is out with the neighborhood ladies group, and the kids are asleep. So it's time to relax a bit. There's some leftover merlot in the fridge that's calling my name...

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