Many investors know that expense ratios on mutual funds are important. IndexUniverse reports on academic research (by Edelen, Evans, and Kadlec) that shows how trading costs can be an even bigger drag on performance -- another good argument in favor of indexing.That's enough for now - Bloglines in empty, and work awaits.
A little while ago I posted some information on Investment Banking Compensation. Here's some related stuff (from Institutional Investor) on what hedge Fund analysts make.
While not as glamorous as the hedge-fund world, according to the Washington Post, accounting graduates are also raking in pretty good salaries. I know we don't have much trouble placing our undergraduate accounting majors here at unknown University.
The Mises Economics Blog relays some of Ambrose Bierce's (author of the Devil's Dictionary) best political definitions.
Do women talk more than men? According to this study published in the journal Science and mentioned by the New York Times, probably not. However, the study has some flaws.
Vegreville came up with rules to follow if you want to be a loser.
7 Temmuz 2007 Cumartesi
Saturday Link Dump
Along with riding more frequently (did a fairly hard 20 miler today), I'm trying to empty my bloglines account at least every couple of days. So, it's time for a link dump:
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