28 Nisan 2008 Pazartesi

An Ethical Weekend

Spent the weekend going through the Ethics material for the CFA Level 2 exam. It's pretty dry, and nary a number in over 200 pages of text. But, the Level 2 exam is weighted about 10% on the exam, so it's got to be done.

Now all I have is a quick review of Portfolio Management (I've gone through it once already, but after 299 pages of Ethics, I needed to see some numbers) and then it's on to Derivatives (for the first time). So, with luck, I should be done with my first pass through the Level 2 material with over 5 weeks to go.

The next topic after Derivatives will be a review of Financial Statement Analysis. Although I've put some time in, it's still my weakest topic, and it could comprise a quarter of the exam.

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