8 Ocak 2010 Cuma

This evening at 7pm ET:

Obama's Clean Tech Jobs
with CNBC's John Harward

with CNBC's Steve Liesman

How to Get America back to Work
*Peter Navarro, Univ. of California/Irvine business professor
*Robert Reich, Former Labor Secretary
*Victor Davis Hanson, Sr. Fellow Hoover Institution
*Steve Moore, WSJ Sr. Economics Writer

Weather Report -- Florida in Deep Freeze

Why the Jobs Report is Bad for Dems, but Good for the Country in the Long Run
*Mark Walsh, Founding CEO at Air America
*James Pethokoukis, Reuters Money & Politics Columnist


Give us a call! 800-800-CNBC. Phone lines open up at 7pm ET.

Please join us. The Kudlow Report. 7pm ET. CNBC.

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