23 Eylül 2006 Cumartesi

Saturday Link Dump

Unknown Daughter and Unknown Wife are going away for an overnight with Unknown Niece and Unknown Sister-In-Law. So, it's a boy's couple of days for the Lad and I. I'm putting in a couple of hours at the office while the rest of my family is at my daughter's soccer game, so I thought I'd post a few things for your reading pleasure.
Tim Harford's Dear Economist columns are now available online here, with an RSS feed here. Browse through some of his back columns - he's one of the best comenters out there when it comes to applying economic principles to just about anything you can imagine (and a few you can't).

Calculated Risk reports on the implied probabilities that the Fed will either pause in their increases or even cut rates in December - they're increasing.

Truth On The Market adds his $0.02 to the back-and-forth on options backdating in the blogosphere. He's also got links to previous posts by others.

ProfessorBainbridge.com links to this violent (but funny, in a sick kind of way) online procrastination tool. You've been warned...
I'll probably post more later. After Unknown Son and I do some Guy Things, we'll probably go to my office for a bit -- I'll use my laptop, and he'll use my computer. He's got a lot of internet games he likes to play and I've got two 19'' monitors on my office system.

And yes, we're a couple of nerds. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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