Now that the Vicodin has kicked in, I have some time to post a bit. If I'm feeling o.k., I should probably really be working on academic stuff, but this way I can see just how lucid I am before I go back to writing on the current academic project. After I'm done, l'll put it down for a bit, read my latest Terry Pratchett novel, and then come back to see if I made any sense (or at least, as much as I usually do).
In any event, speculation seems to be heating up for who will get the next Nobel Prize in economics. I'll cast my vote for Eugene Fama of the University of Chicago for his earlier work on market efficiency (and later work on size and market-book effects which seem to contradict his earlier work). If he gets the nod, there's a good chance that his coauthor Kenneth French would share it with him.
A second choice would be The U of Chicago's Richard Thaler for his work in advancing the field of behavioral economics. Since we read several of all three authors' papers in grad school, I'd be happy with any of them (but my favorite would be for Fama to get it).
After typing this, I realize that the pain meds have slightly altered my fine muscle control - I keep hitting the wrong keys. Ah well - that's what spell check (and editing) are for.
Update: I rechecked this piece after a nap (and after a bit more of the anesthesia had worn off). Man on man - I made a lot of errors.
Update (10/3): Welcome to all the folks stopping by from Dealbreaker. com -- if you want a little history behind Financial Rounds, check out the FAQ page.
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