28 Haziran 2008 Cumartesi

I'm Baaaaaaack!

Sorry for the lack of posting lately - it's been a crazy week. But then, lately they all seem like crazy weeks. We survived last week without any need for trips to the emergency room, or grandparents getting injured, but there was still more to come in the Unknown Household.

I woke up last Saturday with my back severely out of whack - my lower back was in a knot, and it hurt to do just about anything other than sit (or lie) completely still). This continued until Monday, when I saw my doctor. She adjusted my sacrum (no, she's not a chiropractor, but she still was able to do it), gave me some very strong muscle relaxants, and told me I need to do more stretching.

On Wednesday my back felt much better so I took the Unknown Son to the Clinic for the routine follow up scans for his original cancer (although he's in remission from the neuroblastoma, he still has scans every six months just in case). Then it was off to the neighboring state for a charity golf tournament my sister and husband started as a means of raising money for neuroblastoma research (their son died of the cancer last year).

Since some relatives on Unknown Wife's side were visiting, she and the kids decided to stay over so that they could visit with family. So, I've almost two full days to myself (they arrive back at the unknown household late Saturday night). I've gotten a fairly good amount of work done (even sent an article out to a journal) and slept in past 9:00 both Friday and Saturday (hey - when you have young kids, sleeping in is a rare occasion)

In any event, it's a beautiful, warm, sunny Saturday afternoon, and I'm SITTING AT MY OFFICE DESK WORKING ON RESEARCH.

Ah well, such is the life of an untenured professor.

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