24 Haziran 2011 Cuma


With QE2 coming to an end next week I think we are about to enter a very volatile and critical period in all asset markets. For the next three days I am going to offer everyone a five dollar trial subscription. 

You will have complete access to the premium website during the trial period, which will include the weekend report with my view of where I think we are headed over the next month along with complete archives back to the beginning of the year and the terminology document, COT spreadsheets, and cycle count charts.

If during the trial period you decide the newsletter is not for you just cancel following the directions on the homepage. Your trial subscription will still remain active for three days.

If you decide you want to continue receiving the SMT premium newsletter your trial subscription will automatically convert to a $25 monthly subscription at the end of the third day. 

If you like the newsletter you can also cancel the trial subscription and convert to a more cost-effective biannual or yearly subscription. The directions for converting to a more cost-effective subscription are also on the homepage. (The 15 month special will remain open till Sunday evening.)

To sign up for the trial click here. Then click on the subscribe link on the right-hand side of the homepage. You will be linked to the subscriptions options page. Check the five dollar special and then follow the checkout instructions.


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